Add Schema Breadcrumbs to Jekyll CMS without a plugin. JSON+LD Breadcrumbs will tell search your page heiarchy.
Add Schema Breadcrumbs to Jekyll CMS without a plugin. JSON+LD Breadcrumbs will tell search your page heiarchy.

Breadcrumbs is a set of links that can help a user understand and navigate a website hierarchy. It is also used in search to connect entities to another. Those entities are then weighted by frequency, relevancy and veracity. In philosophy, it would be the taxonomy of thing.

Jekyll CMS can include code you give it into the head of any website. You will learn how to create JSON+LD breadcrumb schema for the feature snippet value and the semantics.


  1. Jekyll Ruby Gem Install documentation
  2. Any UTF-8 capable text editor

Edit _layouts head tag

Open your _layouts or _includes directory that contains your head tag. Edit the script that contains your JSON-LD.

Replace or Add New Code

Replace or ADD the following code just before the final } line.

Liquid Syntax for Jekyll Breadcrumb Schema

"DenverProphitJr", "twid"=>502274124, "url"=>""}/status/1442492202450448388">

Web Mentions

2 Content Likes

  • Denver Prophit Jr.
  • Péter Jandura

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